Market Digest: MKL, NVO, ADSK, NSC, NTAP, ES, PPL - chof 360 news


Insider-sentiment data from Vickers Stock Research continues to bounce wildly from week to week, resulting in no discernable trend. Indeed, stock investors (insiders included) are responding to major earnings news, multiple geopolitical events, the possible reshaping of the U.S. federal government as we know it, interest-rate uncertainty, and fear that inflation (thought to be back in the bottle) is possibly about to burst higher again. For now, the good news is that the change in insider sentiment this week is mostly a positive one, with almost all of the sell/buy ratios from Vickers improving week over week. Keeping in mind that the lower the ratio, the better, Vickers' Total One-Week Sell/Buy Ratio is 3.84 versus 6.17 last week and the Total Eight-Week Sell/Buy Ratio is 5.78 versus 6.02. On an exchange basis, the NYSE one-week ratio is 4.68 versus 9.00 and the eight-week ratio is 5.69 versus 5.66 (the one outlier). For the Nasdaq, the one-week ratio is 3.35 versus 5.21 last week and the eight-week ratio is 6.05 versus 6.54. On a sector basis, selling was the greatest in Healthcare over the last week, with shares valued at $674 million sold versus $7 million bought. Next up was

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