
تعرف علي طريقة منع شخص من رؤية منشوراتي في سناب شات 2024

In this article, we will learn how to prevent a specific person from seeing your Snapchat posts. You will learn how to hide your posts from this person in easy and effective ways.

How to protect your privacy on Snapchat

Before we learn how to prevent someone from seeing your Snapchat posts, we must talk about how to protect your privacy in the application. You can take some steps to ensure that your posts and personal information are not visible to everyone.

When using Snapchat, it is crucial that you are prepared to maintain your privacy. Here are some important tips to protect your account and not make your posts visible to everyone:

  • Make sure to adjust your account privacy settings according to your personal preferences.
  • Determine who can see your posts and shares on Snapchat.
  • Be careful not to share sensitive personal information on Snapchat.
  • Avoid accepting friend requests from unknown or untrusted people.
  • Use a strong, unguessable password for your Snapchat account.

By following these tips, you can ensure the privacy of your Snapchat account and avoid any issues that may arise from not maintaining privacy.

Change privacy settings on Snapchat

Starting here, you can change your Snapchat privacy settings. Adjusting your privacy settings is the best way to prevent users from seeing your Snapchat posts. By adjusting your settings correctly, you can ensure that your posts will only be visible to people close to you, restricting others’ access to them.

To change privacy settings on Snapchat, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Snapchat application on your mobile phone.
  2. Go to your account’s settings page.
  3. Find and click on Privacy Options.
  4. Review the available options on the Privacy page and select the settings you prefer.

By choosing the appropriate privacy settings, you can Prevent users from seeing your Snapchat posts. You can limit access to your posts by selecting a list of only close friends who can see your content. You can also try blocking users you don’t want to see your posts by adding them to your block list.

List of close friends on Snapchat

On Snapchat, there is a feature called “Close Friends List” that allows you to select only the people you want to allow to view your posts. You can add the person you want to prevent from seeing posts to this list.

How to add people to your close friends list

To add someone to your close friends list on Snapchat, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Snapchat application on your smartphone.
  2. Click on the small logo of your profile picture in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  3. Tap the three-dot mark in the upper-right corner of the screen to access Settings.
  4. Choose “Privacy Settings” from the menu.
  5. Go to “Close Friends List” and press the “Add Close Friends List” button.
  6. Find the person you want to add and tap their name to select them.
  7. Re-click on their name to confirm adding it to your close friends list.

How to remove someone from your close friends list

If you want to remove someone from your close friends list on Snapchat, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Snapchat application on your smartphone.
  2. Click on the small logo of your profile picture in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  3. Tap the three-dot mark in the upper-right corner of the screen to access Settings.
  4. Choose “Privacy Settings” from the menu.
  5. Go to the “Close Friends List” and tap on the name of the person you wish to remove.
  6. Click the “Remove” button to confirm its removal from your close friends list.
Take advantage of your close friends list on SnapchatClose friends list features
Select only the people you want to allow to see your posts.Add and remove people from your close friends list using a few simple steps.
Control your privacy and prevent unwanted people from seeing your posts.Make sure your posts are only visible to the important people in your life.
Your decision controls who sees your Snapchat content.Add the person you want to block to your close friends list.

Block users on Snapchat

In addition to your close friends list, you can also block users who you don’t want to see your Snapchat posts. Snapchat provides you with the ability to block specific people so that they do not appear in your “Stories” section.

You can use the blocking feature to control who you want to see your posts. You can easily prevent them from seeing your stories, photos, and videos.

How to block a user on Snapchat:

  1. Open the Snapchat application on your mobile phone.
  2. Go to your Home page.
  3. Click on the icon that represents your profile in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Scroll down and tap “Friends” in the list.
  5. Find the username you want to block.
  6. Click on the username and choose “Block User” from the menu.
  7. Confirm the blocking action.
Stepthe description
1Open the Snapchat application on your mobile phone.
2Go to your Home page.
3Click on the icon that represents your profile in the upper right corner of the screen.
4Scroll down and tap “Friends” in the list.
5Find the username you want to block.
6Click on the username and choose “Block User” from the menu.
7Confirm the blocking action.

After performing these steps, the blocked user will not be able to see your Snapchat posts. Make sure to review your current settings regularly to ensure that all blocked users are still blocked and cannot access your posts.

Use custom privacy on Snapchat

Snapchat also offers custom privacy settings that allow you to adjust visibility options for each person individually. You can set different settings for different people, allowing you to have full control over who can see your posts.

Using Snapchat’s custom privacy settings, you can set various levels and restrictions for sharing your posts. You can set your posts to be visible only to nearby friends and family, while being blocked from the rest of the users.

When you use custom privacy, you can also block a specific person from fully seeing your posts. All you have to do is add your username or account number to the list of blocked users on Snapchat.

With these custom settings, you can have complete control over who can see your posts, achieving the ultimate in Snapchat privacy.

To explain more details on how to use custom privacy in Snapchat, you can see the following table that explains the different settings and restrictions you can set:

Custom settingsthe description
close friendsOnly close friends can see your posts.
friendsAll friends can see your posts.
Everyone who follows youAll users who follow you can see your posts.
everyoneAll users can see your posts.
Banned usersBlocked users are blocked from seeing your posts.

Using custom privacy settings in Snapchat is an effective way to prevent a specific person from seeing your posts and maintain your privacy in the app.

Update settings to block users on Snapchat

To prevent a specific person from seeing your Snapchat posts, you can update your settings and apply a block to those users. Snapchat provides you with many privacy options that allow you to specify who can see your posts and who you can prevent from accessing them.

To update your privacy settings on Snapchat, open the app and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the camera screen to open the settings menu.
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose “Settings.”
  3. Browse the menu and find the privacy options.
  4. Choose the option that suits you to prevent selected users from seeing your posts.

After updating the settings, you will notice that the users you blocked will not be able to see or interact with your posts on Snapchat. You can always change these settings at any time if you want to unblock a specific user or add new people to your block list.

Toggle privacy for profile page

In addition to preventing users from seeing your posts, you can also edit the privacy of your Snapchat profile page. You can make your profile page visible only to friends with whom you share your private stories and posts.

To toggle profile page privacy, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the camera screen to open the settings menu.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select “Settings.”
  3. Browse the list and find Privacy Settings.
  4. Choose the option that lets you limit who can see your profile page.

After you implement this change, you will be able to control who can access your profile page and learn more about you.

With these settings, you can maintain your privacy and control who can see your posts and profile page on Snapchat.

Check the latest privacy updates on Snapchat

In this section, we will talk about the importance of checking the latest updates in Snapchat privacy settings. The Company may make changes to settings to better protect your privacy and enhance the confidentiality of your postings. It is important to follow the latest updates and activate them to achieve maximum privacy and security in using Snapchat.

Companies are rapidly updating applications and social platforms to meet user needs and keep pace with technological developments. Snapchat’s privacy settings may be changed to include new features or improve existing protections. Therefore, you should consider checking for any new updates in Snapchat settings and applying them immediately.

To check recent updates on Snapchat, simply open the app and go to the Settings section. There may be a section dedicated to privacy or settings related to sharing and viewing. Check for any updates or new features and activate them as per your personal preferences.

It is important that you have the latest version of Snapchat to take advantage of all the latest updates and new features available to protect your privacy. Important security improvements may be included in new updates that strengthen the confidentiality of your data and keep your posts private.

Taking care of privacy on Snapchat is important for users, so you should be aware of every update related to privacy settings. Check for the latest updates regularly and make sure they are applied, and if you face any problem or have questions, do not hesitate to contact the Snapchat technical support team for the necessary assistance.

Check current settings

Before you make sure someone can’t see your posts, you should check your current settings in the Snapchat app. These settings play an important role in determining who can see your content and who cannot.

Check your friends lists

First, open Snapchat and check your friends lists. Make sure that the person you want to block from seeing your posts is not on your friends list. If the person is on your friends list, edit the list and remove them from it.

Check blocked users

Next, check the list of blocked users on Snapchat. The person you want to block may have been added to the list of blocked users. In this case, remove it from the list of blocked users.

Check other settings

Also check other settings in Snapchat that may affect the visibility of your posts. Check your privacy, visibility, and other security settings. Make sure your settings are configured the way you want them to prevent a specific person from seeing your posts.

preparationthe condition
Friends ListVerify that the person is not on the list
Banned usersVerify that the person is not on the list
Privacy settingsMake sure you configure to prevent posts from being visible
Other settingsMake sure to prevent a specific person from seeing your posts

After checking your current settings, you can now make sure that a specific person cannot see your Snapchat posts.

Contact Snapchat’s technical support team

If you encounter any problems preventing a specific person from seeing your Snapchat posts, you can contact the technical support team to resolve the issue. They may provide you with additional guidance or solve the problem for you.

Make sure to post any technical updates or questions you have in a clear and detailed manner. You may also need to provide some personal information and explain the difficulties you’ve had in blocking that person from seeing your posts. The technical support team will work with you to understand the problem and find the appropriate solution.

Make sure to keep your correspondence and contact details with the technical support team, as they may be useful in case you need to refer to them in the future. The team may need more information or be in the context of the application itself to perform some testing or feedback to resolve the issue.

Contact information for the Snapchat technical support team:

  • Email: support@snapchat.com
  • Technical support platform on Snapchat

Do not hesitate to contact the technical support team, they are always ready to help you solve any problem you may face regarding the Snapchat application and privacy issues.


In this article, you have learned about multiple ways to prevent a specific person from seeing your posts in the Snapchat application. They’ve looked at how to protect your privacy and adjusted your privacy settings so that you can only allow specific people to see your posts. In addition, you learned how to block users who you don’t want to see your posts and how to use custom privacy to have full control over the list you select.

To ensure your privacy is protected on Snapchat, you should also update your current settings regularly and make sure you have the latest available updates activated. If you encounter any problems preventing a specific person from seeing your posts, you can contact the technical support team to obtain the required support. Never forget the importance of maintaining your privacy and taking necessary measures to prevent unwanted people from accessing your Snapchat posts.

Always review and update your privacy settings, and remember that maintaining your privacy is important when using social media. Using the tips and tricks in this article, you can ensure your personal content is protected and only visible to people you trust.

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