As for what to splurge on, Marcus considers knives — and especially Korin knives — a solid investment.
"It's a Japanese store where they know so much about knives," he shares. "It's like buying a great pair of shoes. You want to go to a curated space where the person is super knowledgeable about what she or he is selling to you. Maybe you only buy one or two knives a year, but you're buying really good stuff. It'll change how you cook. It's a great gift, too."
As for what type of knife to prioritize, Marcus says, "If you're an advanced cook, get a set. Otherwise, a chef's knife is probably the knife you're going to use the most."
He cautions against putting knives in the dishwasher and suggests purchasing a knife sharpener to keep your tools in tip-top shape. "And slide them into a block so you don't just throw the knife in with the forks and spoons. Protect it."